
Fall Tour-->This is the end Jam

I may start posting some more mindless blabberous garbage about random shit associated with some scene that grinds my gears, and maybe some straight bitterness as well. But I'm gonna be interviewing for a job at Goldman Sachs soon, and I don't want those guys to find out im unstable.

At first I thought that since these thoughts were real and I knew they were sick, it would be cathartic to expose them on the internet, where they would be read by nobodies who roam the internet learning nothing. I could vent the poison into an area where decomposition was so rapid that it would maintain its meaninglessness and unimportance while possibly losing some of its effectiveness at bittering my psyche. It may have worked a little. I don't know. My life is changing though (always is of course but my reaction today is this), and I think the blog needs to change as well to be important to me. I don't actually hate any of the things I discussed in earlier posts that I purported to hate; I just need a way to deal with the fact that I hate myself for hating those things without valid reason. Obviously, blogging os not medicine for insanity. Kinda funny though sometimes for me; its weird to exercise your neuroses in a public place. Anyway, I'm changing the blog to something even less original or creative. Just observations about things. If you're interested in this subject, I suggest you read about 20,000 other blogger assholes who do the same thing. Their shit is probably gonna be better than mine. However, the name and address will stay the same. Cuz im still an angry little head, except for some really nice times in nice places and stuff.

Anyway, I hope the blog gets better than it is now, because i've been reading it and I think its complete trash. drivel. However, broadening the subject matter will probably only increase the annoying nature of my observations. Please, if you have been reading this shit for the pst month or so, send me a comment and give me a suggestion on what I should do differently or the same. I like the blog medium, but think I am stale and want to use this shit to achieve a different vibration in my brain and life. Help me out. For real. Be as nice, helpful, or hateful i your comments as necessary. Its all good info.

P.S. All angryhead reader who respond with constructive or even hateful comments will receive free angryhead t-shirts and other treats. I love and hate you all. Peace

Palmer Mycroft Holmes


Watch this shit and understand!

I was whining yesterday about festivals. I'm sure many readers were thinking about what a party pooping dork I must be. Watch the video linked at the end of this post, and if you don't understand, then...


P.S. If anyone knows the coordinates of Manchester, TN, ,please forward to Al Qaeda.



I hate festivals. I hate them because they are the kind of places where vapid prep-school beer drinkers can have fun for 48 hours straight. Who does that? Take a fucking break from the gas and sleep or something. The worst thing abut them is that the lights/sound/view are the worst of any summer tour venue, and yet the masses are there to suck that shit down. I enjoy Phish/Kuroda/and soft drugs as much as anyone, but a seat to view the show and a bed to sleep in after are even better. And they are certainly better than trying to sleep on a tarmac with the hissing of nitrous tanks blaring in my ears and stupid fucks from Burlington drinking growlers of Magic Hat yelling all night in the tent next door. I wasn't always like this, but if I ever go to a festival again I will certainly kill myself somehow during the whole ordeal.

What a crappy post. This blogging shit requires you to keep at it, or even this pointless hate drivel becomes stale.


Until next time...

Not too much to write about, although Mansfield was filled with feckless drug sucking pigs, I had a great time and witnessed some beautiful behavior. Too much stuff in my head right now to focus it on some fake bitterness for the sake of you internet perusing ASSHOLES. Too much going on. See ya next time.


I forgot something...

I mentioned on the first post that I was also going to discuss Trey's sneakers or fashion. I neglected to do this as usually the only occasion I took to blog was to vent rage or confusion. However, there has been something going on this tour that has caught my attention: Trey's shirts. He used to wear cool stuff like the Neehavn shirt or pepe le peu or a Flyer's jersey or something else with a little pizazz. This tour, he has rocked the black t-shirt every single show. He has covered it up with a little grungy plaid shit when the weather necessitated so, and he has also worn a sort of two-button version of the black t-shirt, but for the most part he has been all black. I wonder what has caused this. As far as I know, it's not a recovery thing. But I could be wrong about that. I think the black T-shirt is pretty cool personally, and not just because Garcia wore one all the time. If any angryhead reader know of the reason for tis and if it is related to Trey's recovery, please let me know with a comment.


Dress Up

Here's something annoying: people who dress up to go to a show. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do patchwork pants increase your ability to have fun and absorb music, or are you just a mook so concerned with fitting in that you shop at online hippy warehouses? You look fucking retarded. The worst part is that it appears you know these clothes are stupid because you do not wear them everyday. And so for a few days a year you become a goofy hippy fashionista, sucking nitrous and beer down your gullet to numb the pain of being a fucking moron. Im almost to Mansfield, cant wait to point at you assholes and laugh to myself because it turns out Im not the biggest loser on the lot. Have fun at the "PT meetup". Idiots.


some more...

And about that other gay post labeled "The Truth"--well the truth is bro's at shows suck. And 10,000 "Loews" can't make up for 10,000 bro's. So go play wiffle ball and barbeque some shit and hi-five eachother and look at eachother calves or whatever it is you guys do, but at least get it out of your system during the summer so I don't have to deal with this bullshit on winter tour as well.

and again

Alright, so first I posted about the assholes at Fenway and some of the issues I have with broseph hypocrisy, and then I took those post down because I felt guilt about the use of the word phaggot. I was only kidding, but whatever I was afraid people would think I was a lunatic or something. Well fuck that. The people at Fenway made me sick, especially the liquor soaked BC grad who kept slamming into me while he alternated between dancing to "Bouncin" and rubbing the BC grad next to him. At least there's no booze to fuel this type of bullshit at Jones Beach.
Anyway, I have reposted the pictures of the bromo guys from Fenway so others can have a chance to hate them. And also, since I will getting together with some fellow haters from the great state of Vermont at Mansfield, I am promising a lengthy and angry post following that show. While I am hoping for a great show, I know that Massholes don't disappoint when it comes to dispicible behavior. Also, I would like to thank angryhead reader "alex", whose reminder that my "phaggot" usage was not a serious offense prompted me to renew my bitter quest.
And if by any chance there is someone reading this blog who sat in Sec 5, Row 12, Seat 18 at the Fenway show, kill yourself.


The Truth

Just watched Curtis Loew on Youtube. What is wrong with me? That shit was sick. I'm pheelin some love. Trey is rippin. Think Gamehendge for Mansfield. Here is Fenway video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17Cbt5seFDk