
Dress Up

Here's something annoying: people who dress up to go to a show. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do patchwork pants increase your ability to have fun and absorb music, or are you just a mook so concerned with fitting in that you shop at online hippy warehouses? You look fucking retarded. The worst part is that it appears you know these clothes are stupid because you do not wear them everyday. And so for a few days a year you become a goofy hippy fashionista, sucking nitrous and beer down your gullet to numb the pain of being a fucking moron. Im almost to Mansfield, cant wait to point at you assholes and laugh to myself because it turns out Im not the biggest loser on the lot. Have fun at the "PT meetup". Idiots.


  1. two ha's and a few chuckles, nice one

  2. this is totally unrelated to your post, but I didn't know where else to say it. I enjoy that your industry listed on your profile is investment banking. melding miles with corporate america plays such fun games with my head.
