
Fall Tour-->This is the end Jam

I may start posting some more mindless blabberous garbage about random shit associated with some scene that grinds my gears, and maybe some straight bitterness as well. But I'm gonna be interviewing for a job at Goldman Sachs soon, and I don't want those guys to find out im unstable.

At first I thought that since these thoughts were real and I knew they were sick, it would be cathartic to expose them on the internet, where they would be read by nobodies who roam the internet learning nothing. I could vent the poison into an area where decomposition was so rapid that it would maintain its meaninglessness and unimportance while possibly losing some of its effectiveness at bittering my psyche. It may have worked a little. I don't know. My life is changing though (always is of course but my reaction today is this), and I think the blog needs to change as well to be important to me. I don't actually hate any of the things I discussed in earlier posts that I purported to hate; I just need a way to deal with the fact that I hate myself for hating those things without valid reason. Obviously, blogging os not medicine for insanity. Kinda funny though sometimes for me; its weird to exercise your neuroses in a public place. Anyway, I'm changing the blog to something even less original or creative. Just observations about things. If you're interested in this subject, I suggest you read about 20,000 other blogger assholes who do the same thing. Their shit is probably gonna be better than mine. However, the name and address will stay the same. Cuz im still an angry little head, except for some really nice times in nice places and stuff.

Anyway, I hope the blog gets better than it is now, because i've been reading it and I think its complete trash. drivel. However, broadening the subject matter will probably only increase the annoying nature of my observations. Please, if you have been reading this shit for the pst month or so, send me a comment and give me a suggestion on what I should do differently or the same. I like the blog medium, but think I am stale and want to use this shit to achieve a different vibration in my brain and life. Help me out. For real. Be as nice, helpful, or hateful i your comments as necessary. Its all good info.

P.S. All angryhead reader who respond with constructive or even hateful comments will receive free angryhead t-shirts and other treats. I love and hate you all. Peace

Palmer Mycroft Holmes


  1. If the Blog that you love to Hate needs to take a Hiatus so be it. phish 2003 an all those stupid joke about lipstick on a pig jokes from Obama 2008 prove that public will follow anything if the are are coddled along. Just as a cheap ploy to suck out a little more attention from already diminishing attention span. see you in Hartford.

  2. I love the angry head bitter posts, and believe me, there are a ton of heads out there that are just as angry and bitter as you! Don't succumb to the mindless observations!

  3. waaaahhh I miss the angry head, start updating this shit so I can slaughter time at work in more productive (or at least interesting) ways than just facebook stalking & mimosa sipping

  4. Any comment on the Cali Halloween shows Angry head?

  5. I just found this blog and I gotta say you and I are so alike with our views on the whole Phish scene. I go to have a good time with my friends, get fucked up, and see Phish. The disasters and retards that prowl the lot scabbing change, spreading scabies, and slinging shit are the reason I leave every show wanting to stab someone in the neck. I get such a kick out of reading your posts. Thanks for saying everything I've ever thought!!
